Tuesday 12 January 2010

Choosing the right poker bot

"Everyday more and more people are taking up online poker not only for fun but for a second and even a first income. These are the players that understand how to get an edge over the other players. The edge is that they use software such as poker indicators that show you the statistics of each hand and your chances of winning. In this article I'm going to talk about a more advanced type of software known on the market as a "poker bot". Poker bots allow you to get an upper hand at online poker tables or tournaments, I’m going to explain the different types of poker bots, and how they can assist you to get that edge in that important game of poker."


Get the full version of our e-book "POKER BOTS", FREE at http://www.mediafire.com/?axmydytttzy

(For those of you who cannot or do not want to read the book, the best bot in terms of winning hand percentage is the bot from http://www.onlinepokerbot.net)

1 comment:

  1. This is a great book. I've been using the poker bot from onlinepokerbot.net for a while now and I earned the money back to pay for it in under a week!
